Our goal is to bring mentoring to 25 schools during 2020. Using a team of ministers and mentors, we seek to help young people rise above their experiences in dysfunctional families. These programs begin by creating a safe place for these youth so that they can learn how to have healthy family relationships, the key to healthy child development and a better future in Kenya.
Today’s youths who are impoverished are faced with so many psychological, emotional and financial life challenges. In the modern world, it has become increasingly difficult for the youth especially in the slums to navigate life. From what we observe daily on the ground, it is clear that there is a great need for effective youth programs to help curb these problems. |
OUR MISSIONOur hope for the future is that, even as Kenyan youth face the challenges of poverty and await the support they need, they continue to find joy and feel the comforting presence of God in their lives.
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