Navigate 360© occurs during school breaks and is led by Coach AJ. To date, thousands of young people have had their lives touched through this program. Students share their personal stories of hardship, their techniques for resilience and plans for “beating the odds” of their life challenges. They also work together to break life problems down into solvable pieces, learning from each other in the process. SPIRIT OF UBUNTU:
There is nothing more joyful than witnessing the the faces of young men and women awakening to the realization of their power and worth despite the adversities they have encountered in life. The young attendees get the opportunity to share their personal stories of unimaginable hardships, how they try to beat the odds, share their techniques of resilience, and how they plan to beat their predicaments. They collectively share and work on challenges that each participant provides by breaking the problem into solvable pieces, thus helping and learning from each other. The spirit of Ubuntu at its best! |
OUR MISSIONOur hope for the future is that, even as Kenyan youth face the challenges of poverty and await the support they need, they continue to find joy and feel the comforting presence of God in their lives.
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